DANZATORI Evgenia Rubanova and Moreno Perna
MUSICA by CYB (Immaterial.Archives)
DRAMATURGIA Edith Cassiers
LUCI Calysto Technics and Design
IN COLLABORAZIONE CON: ICK Amsterdam, Dansmakers Amsterdam, Vlaamse Cultuurhuis De Brakke Grond, United-C Eindhoven
PREMIERE: 5, 6, 7, 15 September 2019, De Brakke Grond, Amsterdam Fringe Festival

26-27 October 2019, Theater de Meervaart (Amsterdam), ICKFEST
17 November 2019, CC Amstel, Double Bill ICK Artists

From ecstasy to bad trip, choreographer Moreno Perna and performer Rubanova show total dedication to the material: their bodies are propelled by forces greater than they can control and the audience is effortlessly carried away on their waves.
Theaterkrant, 7 Sep 2019

In Puglia, la terra di sua nonna, la magia è ancora viva. Moreno si rifà a una percezione spirituale dell’universo al di là del razionale: il corpo è visto come un contenitore dell’aura e il movimento come il linguaggio dello spirito. In AURA, la danza estatica crea un’atmosfera carica. Moreno Perna ed Evgenia Rubanova eseguono un rituale techno-sciamanico che stimola il pubblico ad aprire i sensi e a consentire la catarsi. Le aure dei danzatori e del pubblico si connettono. Nasce una sensazione di magia e di unione.
Per AURA, Moreno Perna collabora con l’etichetta di musica techno Immaterial.Archives di Amsterdam (CYB ed Elisa Batti) e con la danzatrice Evgenia Rubanova, per creare un potente duetto di danza.
AURA non è solo una performance, ma una ricerca su una pratica di movimento chiamata Auratic Practice.

In AURA , the audience have the freedom to chose where to be and how to live the ritual experience.
The rose represents the space where only the performers can be.
As audience, you have the freedom to chose where to watch from:
• Inner Line: sitting on pillows on the floor (Yellow)
• Outer Lines: sitting on the chairs positioned on two outer lines (Green)
• Free Space: standing behind the chairs, joining the dance when needed and felt (Purple)
[It is possible to stand and go to the Free Space to join the dance, only if you sit in one of the outer chairs. If you sit on pillows, this is not possible.]
How you will experience the ritual depends by the choice you will make. You can create your own theatre experience.

This project is supported by the AFK (Amsterdam Fond for the Arts) and by Olland Buisman Stichting